Direct, simple, easy to understand is best

Direct, simple, easy to understand is best

11866398_1672522419647640_5523407606269786145_nTL;DR Summary

  • This poster uses humor and transference to get its point across.
  • The message is simple and direct.
  • If the target is other Democrats , it is good.
  • If the target is Republican primary voters, it is unlikely to be successful since they likely voted for Palin.
The poster was actually aimed at Democrat supporters the poster came from Occupy Democrats) – and successfully transfers their likely negative view of Palin to Scott Walker.
However, only Republican voters can vote out Scott Walker, thus this poster is a misfire. Republican primary voters seemed to have liked Palin so the comparison does not work as well as it does for Democrats; consequently, while the poster is good from a design standpoint, it appeals mostly to Democrats who will have no influence on the primary election (that occurred in 2016). From a propaganda perspective it is unlikely to achieve a useful goal of influencing Republicans who are the only ones who could vote Walker “in” or “out”.
Thus, the main purpose of this poster is to reinforce “tribal membership” among the target (Democrats) rather than have influence on Republican preference (or not) for Scott Walker.
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