Facebook, Google, Twitter are the private sector equivalents of the NSA – but much worse

Facebook, Google, Twitter are the private sector equivalents of the NSA – but much worse

  • Imagine a world where the government placed tracking devices on every person in the country,
  • Kept a data base record of every where you traveled and everywhere you have visited,
  • Recorded every web site visit you’ve ever made,
  • Recorded every online message you ever sent or received,
  • Built a photo recognition system that can identify your face from among millions of faces
  • Built a graph of every person you are connected to do and how well you are connected to each of those persons

If the NSA was doing the above, you’d be up in arms and marching the streets.
But instead, you are willing giving all of this data directly to a handful of mega corporations who hoard the data – forever – and use it and sell it for unknown purposes.
Now, imagine a world where the people being spied on actually paid for the tracking devices themselves (they are called smart phones), willingly used browsers like Chrome that do indeed log every web site you visit in the Google Cloud (yes, really), or Facebook which records and archives every Like, Share, Comment and personal message you have ever sent and received on their service, and does, in fact, use “tagging” of people in photos for the specific purpose of building a library of facial recognition data.
Imagine a world where the people being spied upon are also provided with highly optimized messages intended to sway their opinions on a variety of subjects, from products to political candidates and ideology.
Congratulations – you have just imagined Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and a host of online social media outlets.
And you now have the most incredible global mind control system in existence.
Why have we been doing this to ourselves?

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