If you are still using #Facebook you do not understand the problem #DeleteFacebook

If you are still using #Facebook you do not understand the problem #DeleteFacebook

Read this to learn how to see the advertising dossier and other data that Facebook has collected on you.
Source: How to find everything Facebook knows about you and limit it – Steffan Rhys – Wales Online
Deleting the data, now, does not actually delete it from Facebook’s  archives. I deleted all of my harvested data earlier this week, then days later I downloaded my Facebook dossier, and it still contains all the groups and pages I had liked, even though I had deleted them.
Here is the reality: the Internet and smart phones are surveillance devices. The primary business of the Internet is surveillance, with the data used to optimize propaganda messages delivered to us.
Smart phones are sold as phones but their actual use is as tracking devices. Every where you travel, every place you stop, is logged and data mined.
Many apps for smart phones purport to provide you with “benefit X”, but their actual mission is they too are collecting your location data.
Google’s Chrome browser, for example, logs every web site you visit – at Google‘s servers.
Everything we do today is collected and data mined to draw conclusions about us (often wrong ones) for the purpose of persuading us to buy something or adopt someone’s agenda.

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