Facebook’s “Privacy settings” were a scam

Facebook’s “Privacy settings” were a scam

Facebook’s ‘privacy settings’ are a grand illusion. Control over post-sharing – people we share to – should really be called ‘publicity settings’,” explains Jonathan Albright, the research director at the Tow Center for Digital Journalism. “Likewise, control over passive sharing – the information people [including third party apps] can take info from us – should be called ‘privacy settings’.
”Essentially Facebook gives us privacy “busywork” to make us think we have control, while making it very difficult to truly lock down our accounts.

Source: ‘A grand illusion’: seven days that shattered Facebook’s facade
Trying to read and understand Facebook’s privacy policies is nearly impossible. When I just tried, I was given short little sections pf text, with links to read more on related topics. There didn’t seem to be an easy way to read the whole thing – or even find relevant sections. Instead, Facebook is making it very difficult to read their privacy policy because they don’t want users to know.
Individual posts’ privacy options were meaningless. This only sort of limited the front facing side of data access. The real privacy issues were buried under Settings | Ads not under Privacy. This too is deliberate. Facebook intentionally makes it hard to control all privacy settings because they don’t want you to do so.
Finally, as repeatedly noted here, Facebook makes it near impossible to delete old content. There is no bulk delete option for posts, photos, comments, likes or privacy settings. Tou can delete the entire account or change privacy on all items at once, but you can not make bulk selections and changes like you can do on any other platform. They want you to make updates one by one. To delete a photo, for example, you need to page through all your photos, do about 3 mouse clicks – and then find Facebook scrolls you back to the top of the list of photos. I have 933 photos online. This made the delete feature unusable.
THIS IS BY DESIGN and illustrates how self centered Zuckerberg treats the users. He does not care about users at all – in fact at this point, he probably hates us.
As pointed out in the article, Zuckerberg has served to “undermine democracies” and to foster a culture of hate.
When journalists tried to break this story a week ago, Facebook threatened to sue them to prevent publication.
Facebook is not your friend.

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