Did #Facebook shadow ban PragerU?

Did #Facebook shadow ban PragerU?

This exchange shows that Facebook did shadow ban Prager U.

Facebook uses shadow banning – and is unable to explain why a particular post, page, group or person has been shadow banned. It is a mystery when someone’s content is shadow banned without explanation.

Shadow banning is secret censorship. The person who is shadow banned can still see their own posts, but their posts are hidden from everyone else. Consequently, the content author is unaware that they have been censored unless they check viewership statistics (where available) or see a drop in interaction/comments on their posts.

More about shadow banning here.

These incidents show how powerful corporations can suppress speech – and thereby control the world. While we in the U.S. have strong protections in the First Amendment, this amendment does not apply to private business relationships. As most public discourse is conducted on corporate social media, this gives a few oligarchs the power to control public thought – and thereby, literally exert control over the world.

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