Reporter shocked that platform designed specifically for #propaganda was used for propaganda

Reporter shocked that platform designed specifically for #propaganda was used for propaganda

Reporter appears surprised and dismayed that social media platforms designed specifically for the purpose of propaganda messaging, whose business model is dependent on their use for propaganda, are, in fact, used for propaganda. She implies most Facebook propaganda comes from Russia and our enemies.

Which means all those U.S. based groups that have offices in the U.S. are, apparently, just fronts for our enemies? Ouch.

Source: Don’t be duped by social media propaganda | Albuquerque Journal

A more thorough and more inclusive report on social media propaganda, by comparison, may be found at How a fake group on Facebook created real protests

Social media is used for propaganda messaging by everyone including U.S. based organizations and individuals. When your Facebook friends share items about politics, activism for various causes, or commentary and humor that is denigrating to others, they are engaged in propaganda messaging. Everyone does it.

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