Staged photos used to illustrate a “news” story

Staged photos used to illustrate a “news” story

A no-nonsense conversation between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Kerry Washington

All of the photographs were staged – the magazine provided clothing for their interview subject to wear. If the photos are faked, what about the rest of their creative writing?

Many criticized the candidate for wearing a $3,500 pant suit while being photographed with construction workers. The candidate defended this with the following comment:

The issue highlighted by this blog is not the wearing of expensive clothing nor anything in particular about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – but that the “news” report stage managed the photography to illustrate the article. Literally, the “news” report uses faked photos, with the candidate dressed as the news manufacturer wants the candidate to appear.

Rather than reporting on the candidate, the “reporters” have created their own image of the candidate, turning “news” into propaganda messaging, presenting an alternate, artificial reality.

Would the news magazine provide a clothing outfit to a male candidate? Or is this done just for female candidates to emphasize appearance over knowledge? What ever it is, it is not journalism.

The way to respond to accusations of fictional news reporting is to double down on accuracy, objectivity and remaining calm. Unfortunately, the news industry continues to harm itself through self destructive behavior typical of middle school drama. This behavior is bewildering.

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