How marketing propaganda persuades us to buy stuff we often do not need

How marketing propaganda persuades us to buy stuff we often do not need

Do we all need the latest and greatest camera gear? Nearly all web site and Youtube channel reviewers are gear pushers who make their money through affiliate marketing links. All of them have become “gear pushers”.

Marketing propaganda convinces people they need the latest and greatest gear – gear that, of course, will be obsolete by next year when you’ll have to upgrade once again or suffer the consequences of being left behind.

Do we really have to live our lives this way and succumb to the marketing propaganda and pressure?

The marketing ecosystem for cameras includes camera manufacturers, retailers and a huge number of online and Youtube reviewers who make their money through affiliate marketing links. They have incentives to encourage us to constantly upgrade to the latest and greatest.

We are surrounded by marketing propaganda that has enlisted networks of individuals posting online reviews. These ecosystems seem like organic grass roots “from the people” reviews. But most are marketing “astro turf” operations. That is, they are corporate sponsored activities designed to look like they are “from the people”.

Note – Guide to VR 3D Photos and Video is a web site run by me and I wrote the post that this item links to.

Source: Simple Photography-do we all need the latest camera gear? – Guide to VR 3D Photos and Video

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