WordPress 5.0 broke this web site

WordPress 5.0 broke this web site


I am not the only person experiencing problems with the 5.0 “upgrade”.

Update 1

I downgraded back to 4.9.8 but the permalinks remain broken, which sort of kills this web site.

Update 2

I have made a change to the web site so that internal links – which used to go to https://socialpanic.org – now go to https://social.coldstreams.com which is the host for socialpanic.org. Previously WP mapped the socialpanic.org links correctly but now this no longer works.

I still recommend not updating to WordPress 5.0 until at least two or 3 months have passed by.

Update 3

I may have fixed it so that the socialpanic.org URL is working again. It looks like the WP5 install changed a string in the database (not positive and I’m not going back to verify) but after resetting the value, it looks like the web site is working again!

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