CBS 60 Minutes edits Elon Musk interview into fiction, leaving out critical context

CBS 60 Minutes edits Elon Musk interview into fiction, leaving out critical context

Elon Musk has taken issue with what he says was a ‘misleading edit’ of an interview he did about Tesla on 60 Minutes this weekend. Here’s what he really said: In the interview, Musk appeared brutally honest or even harsh about the situation with Tesla’s board and the SEC settlement, which forced him to step down from his […]

Source: Elon Musk takes issue with ‘misleading edit’ of Tesla interview on 60 Minutes, here’s what was really said – Electrek

Never, ever consent to a media interview without making your own audio recording, or better, your own video, to hold them accountable. The media does this all the time – takes your quotes out of context and edits out critical parts of the interview to tell the media’s fictional story, rather than what was actually said.

I was interviewed for a story a few decades ago, together with many others involved in our activity. The reporter wanted to create controversy where there was none – and proceeded to craft a fiction story by selectively taking quotes from each person and then putting them together in a certain order to create an image that was utterly false. Was pretty amazed at the brazenness of the journalist (shouldn’t that be in quotes?) That left me with the impression that many reporters really don’t care (note I said “many”, not all – I do know some reporters who are very diligent and want to be accurate).

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