Climate communications: Most Amazon fires burning on agricultural land where forests already cleared

Climate communications: Most Amazon fires burning on agricultural land where forests already cleared

Update mid October: Newer reports based on satellite imagery suggest that fires have been set to clear more forest land, likely for growing soy beans. Because the U.S. and China are involved in a trade dispute, Brazilian farmers have seen an opportunity to supply China with soy beans that are currently not available from U.S. farmers due to the trade disruption.

Social media idiocy reached new highs of absurdity the past few days – the Amazon fire hysteria was a big fat social media scam. But it seems no one shouting on social media is hearing that message.

Source: What Satellite Imagery Tells Us About the Amazon Rain Forest Fires – The New York Times

Previously: Social media has gone insane over fires in the Amazon

As a consequence of what was likely a combination of social media bots intentionally working to create social havoc, idiot celebrities and politicians fed the social media bon fire.

Remember, in propaganda, the first message people receive is the one that will be remembered, even if countered by factual, contradictory messages later.

Remember last December when yellow journalism pseudo news ops plastered the world’s news with images of a collapsed nose cone on an Aeromexico plane landing at Tijuana, and blamed it on a drone?

No one in any official capacity said it was caused by a drone. Pseudo news writers made that up. Exaggeration like that is called yellow journalism.

But that’s the message every one remembers: It was later determined to have been caused by structural failure of the aircraft’s nose cone. There was never any drone involved.

But what does the public remember? How many people even saw the official correction?

A relatively ordinary Amazon fire season, burning agriculture lands, not forests, is now remembered as Armageddon, destroying the earth’s oxygen, and going to cause all of us to die. Of course.

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