Social media impact? Americans more stressed than those living in Venezuela

Social media impact? Americans more stressed than those living in Venezuela

According to Gallup, in 2018, more Americans were stressed, worried and angry than at any point in the last 12 years. That is extraordinary when you consider that the past dozen years includes the 2008 financial crisis and multiple terrorist attacks. Furthermore, American stress levels are among the highest in the world. Seriously, Americans were as stressed as Iranians and more stressed than citizens of Rwanda, Turkey, and Venezuela. That’s nuts.

Source: Donald Trump is stressing out America – The Washington Post

The professor blames Trump for an increase in stress levels and ignores the role that media and social media play in promoting a culture of outrage, which leads to constant internal stress.

As noted elsewhere on this blog, we live, overall, in the best of times in world history across a huge number of critical metrics.

So why do we believe we are living in the worst of times and that over 50% of those between age 18 and 35 believe humanity will be wiped off the earth within 10 years?

The answer is propaganda messaging by those using the methods of fear and emotions to promote their agendas.

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