Police discover they can use music to keep videos of police activities off of social media

Police discover they can use music to keep videos of police activities off of social media

Some police appear to be playing music when someone video records their activities so that those videos get flagged on social media and taken off line:

BHPD’s recent behavior suggests that at least some cops believe they can prevent themselves from being filmed or livestreamed by playing copyrighted music, which would have serious implications for more serious incidents of police misconduct.

That is: if this had only happened once, an officer coming up with an off-the-cuff, if slightly dodgy, plan to “hack” Instagram’s policy in order to skirt someone’s First Amendment rights would be eyebrow-raising for its ingenuity, if nothing else.

But the BHPD’s non-consensual Sublime listening party was not an isolated incident. There seems to be a pattern here.

Source: Is This Beverly Hills Cop Playing Sublime’s ‘Santeria’ to Avoid Being Live-streamed?

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