How long before a country declares war on Facebook: “Facebook takes down main page of Myanmar military”

How long before a country declares war on Facebook: “Facebook takes down main page of Myanmar military”

Facebook, Twitter and Youtube have demonstrated they are more powerful than governments and government leaders, having “canceled” government leaders and official government accounts and agencies. At some point, one of these nations may treat this as an act of war and respond accordingly.

Facebook on Sunday deleted the main page of the Myanmar military under it standards prohibiting the incitement of violence, the company said, a day after two protesters were killed when police opened fire at a demonstration against the Feb 1 coup.

Source: Facebook takes down main page of Myanmar military | Reuters

This post is not about supporting or not supporting the regimes in Myanmar. This post is about the power that social media has to shut down government communication channels. This post is about whether or not the “rules” FB applies are applied equally, in all circumstances (in the past, they have not been). This post is also about whether billionaires are entitled to control all thought, globally – just because they can.

Will Facebook cancel the pages of U.S. police departments when they kill unarmed individuals in the U.S.? Probably not.

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