Publisher of Nature retracts over 40 papers from one of its science journals, because they were “nonsensical”

Publisher of Nature retracts over 40 papers from one of its science journals, because they were “nonsensical”

The publisher of Nature has retracted over 40 published papers because, in their own words, the papers were “nonsensical”

Actual title of one of the papers:

Simulation of sea surface temperature based on non-sampling error and psychological intervention of music education


For the past 20 months, I have collected thousands of notes, graphs, data tables, papers, social media posts of scientists and public health experts, all through the period we were told to Trust Science(tm).

The collection ended up showing wide spread inconsistent, contradictory, illogical and incoherent statements made by scientists, experts and “officials” quoting science. The effect has left me no longer believing anything or anyone. Literally, I no longer believe anything from public health or science – even other fields.

One swoop, science managed to destroy all of its credibility.

Keep in mind, I grew up worshiping science. I am now shell shocked by the reversal in my belief system.

The credibility of public health will not recover trust or credibility in my lifetime; the same may be for science as well. What at tragedy.


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