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Month: December 2021

Public health pandemic communications has been a disaster

Public health pandemic communications has been a disaster

A public communications expert critiques the public health communication during the pandemic – and finds it to have been a total failure, and along the way, destroying trust and credibility in public health. The long-term consequence is few believe public health, with good reasons. This is not how it should have been done.

Facebook deletes woman’s Instagram account: Her offense? Had used “Metaverse” name since 2012

Facebook deletes woman’s Instagram account: Her offense? Had used “Metaverse” name since 2012

An Australian woman has been using the IG identifier “metaverse” since 2012. Without warning, FB/IG/Meta deleted her account and accused her of “impersonating” Metaverse, a name that FB later adopted. Took the media to be involved to get FB/IG/Meta to restore her account. As she could demonstrate she was using the name for her business since 2012, she could, with legal help, make an IP claim against FB/IG/Meta.

CNN dug its own grave

CNN dug its own grave

Cable “news” long ago morphed into entertainment with celebrity reporters and anchors, more interested in flaming emotions than informing you. The result is to divide society into angry camps. U.S. media has devolved to such an extent that it is hazardous to everyone and to the country. The latest round, with CNN’s firing of Chris Cuomo is just that – yet another round where these clowns were caught. This is what they are now – clowns.