Russian TikTok Influencers Paid to Spread Kremlin Propaganda

Russian TikTok Influencers Paid to Spread Kremlin Propaganda

An investigation by VICE News uncovered a coordinated campaign to pay Russian TikTok influencers to post videos pushing pro-Kremlin narratives.

Source: Russian TikTok Influencers Are Being Paid to Spread Kremlin Propaganda

Who it is that is making the payments has not been determined.

This is why I stopped following or subscribing to many Russian affiliated social media channels on IG, Youtube and TikTok. I cannot determine who is honest and who is not.

And this:

As Russia has struggled to win the information war against Ukraine’s social media-savvy President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, it has turned to new avenues to disseminate its disinformation, including pretending to be a left-leaning progressive media outlet based in Germany, producing fake fact-checks of non-existent Ukrainian disinformation, and coordinated TikTok campaigns.

Russia is totally losing the propaganda war, as they should.

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