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Month: May 2022

Sad story, sad reporting

Sad story, sad reporting

The story lead attempts to link his death from Covid to schools being open. In fact, schools were closed when he contracted Covid-19 rendering this juxtaposition of phrases as 100% pure propaganda messaging.

75% of Americans are not delaying retirement due to inflation

75% of Americans are not delaying retirement due to inflation

See what I did there? 25% of Americans are delaying retirement due to inflation Apparently the first subject taught in journalism school is that all stories and all headlines are required to be spun in a negative fashion, to ensure that the public is always living in fear and anxiety. They do this every single day.

Fake news: “COVID-19, shootings: Is mass death now tolerated in America?”

Fake news: “COVID-19, shootings: Is mass death now tolerated in America?”

Reporter asserts all Covid deaths in the U.S. were preventable. My pointing out that Covid was not controlled anywhere in the world (having accurate data collection and reporting), and my pointing out that 27 other countries had worse outcomes than the U.S. is “denying that the deaths were preventable”. Therefore, you are cautioned that my inconvenient questions and observations are official disinformation, as determined by the Associated Press. Also, remember Betteridge’s Law – any headline that ends in a question mark means the story is bull shit.

Social media companies investigated after mass shooting

Social media companies investigated after mass shooting

New York will investigate social media companies related to Buffalo mass shooting. The suspect was previously involuntarily hospitalized by the state police for a psychiatric evaluation; they found nothing. But social media companies should be able to evaluate you from your online postings? Hmmmm.