Provocative and misleading headline of the day “Russian Official Who Carried Putin’s Nuclear Codes Found in ‘Pool of Blood'”

Provocative and misleading headline of the day “Russian Official Who Carried Putin’s Nuclear Codes Found in ‘Pool of Blood'”

“Carried” as in past tense. He is now retired. Not until the end of the report do we learn that he had attempted suicide. From other reports, he and his brother were drinking, probably vodka, when this happened.

Moskovsky Komsomolets also noted that the nature of Zimin’s injuries led to the conclusion that he had tried to take his own life.

Source: Russian Official Who Carried Putin’s Nuclear Codes Found in ‘Pool of Blood’

The headline might be term “accurate” but “fake” as it is so misleading.

An accurate headline would be “Retired colonel who had once carried Russian nuclear codes attempted suicide”.

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