Social media provides idiotic morons a wide distribution platform

Social media provides idiotic morons a wide distribution platform

  1. Viruses that impact people also exist in numerous animals. How do we lock down all animals? If we don’t do that, the virus will continue to exist and impact humans. More animals listed here, just for Covid.
  2. Many viruses can survive for weeks and months on surfaces. Hepatitis is an example of a virus that can remain viable on surfaces for weeks.
  3. According to the CDC, “orthopoxviruses like monkeypox can survive in an environment similar to a house “for weeks or months,” noting that porous materials like beds and clothes can harbor live virus for longer periods of time than non-porous (aka plastic, glass, and metal) surfaces.”
  4. What do we do as new viruses form and enter the world (as they do, all the time). Lock downs forever?
  5. The US Department of Homeland Security estimates that 70% of all workers are “essential”, and perhaps 20 percentile points of that could do some work at home – but 50% of all workers still need to do on site work in order to keep society functioning. There is always “leakage” in your lockdown – you’d need to be 100% effective, 100% of the time, at stopping viral spread, which is not possible. Eventually everyone will get the virus, particularly when it is spreads easily and is rarely fatal.
  6. CovidReport and ZeroVirus proponents are utter morons who live in a world of fiction, devoid of facts and logic. They retweet studies having no control groups and pretend the study is authoritative. They use official sounding names like “CovidDataReport” to peddle misinformation. Their primary currency is fear and hysteria – day in and day out, they retweet bad studies and inflammatory headline news stories – never with any follow up to show their projections were wrong. Fear is the most powerful of propaganda techniques.
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