White Anglos culturally appropriate the German language, from Germans

White Anglos culturally appropriate the German language, from Germans

Cambridge University is teaching a “gender neutral” version of German; no such language exists today. Many languages are gendered, including German.

Numerous languages are strongly gendered. In Spanish, we say “El gato” (the cat, with the masculine El definite article), or “La Casa” (the house, with a feminine definite article). Much of the world speaks languages that are strongly gendered in that nouns have a gender (sometimes a gender that does not even make sense – the gender typically has nothing to do with human gender – why is a house feminine but a cat, male?)

What right do non-native speakers have to steal and redefine others’ languages?

Oliver Baer, of the German Language Association, said non-native speakers attempting to chatter with Germans in the trendy new tongue are likely to get laughed out of the country.

Source: Linguists slam Cambridge University for teaching ‘woke’ version of ‘gender-neutral’ German | Daily Mail Online

Being respectful means allowing the Germans to define their own language and the French, and the Italians, and the Spanish, and the Farsi, and the Hindi speakers and so on, to control their own language destiny.

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