Censorship: UN “partnered” with Google to control what information you see using Google search

Censorship: UN “partnered” with Google to control what information you see using Google search

It is beyond disturbing that the left has gone all in on censorship – censorship is something the left used to oppose. How is this any different than Republicans pushing to censor access to books in library?

Today, both major political parties in the U.S. are strongly in favor of censorship.

People tend to be in favor of censorship when they are the censors, not so much when someone else is the censor.

More: United Nations calls for global censorship of Internet content – At UNESCO, a call to regulate digital platforms in the face of online disinformation and hate | UNESCO

Wow – that is so Orwellian.

Update: The Secretary General of the United Nations also seeks to control speech on the Internet. Those that decide what is disinformation will control the world. Proponents have made it clear that any speech that not conforming to official approved government policies is subject to be labeled as “disinformation”. California passed a law banning doctors from discussing with patients anything not officially approved by the government, for example.

This is Orwellian double-speak – we will protect free speech while we define disinformation and how to ban it. The answer to speech you do not agree with is more speech – not censorship.

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