Academics, media and public health ran a massive social media censorship campaign to censor true information

Academics, media and public health ran a massive social media censorship campaign to censor true information

Please see this long thread – the academic, media and public health communities, together with the Department of Homeland Security ran a massive censorship program across all social media platforms – specifically targeting information that they knew to be factually correct.

This is a massive, massive, massive violation of human rights – when the government engages in a censorship and propaganda campaign motivated by politics.

It is no longer possible to have trust in anyone or any organization. Once trust is lost, society falls apart.

I can no longer trust public health, government agencies, academics, the media and certainly assume that all politicians lie 100% of the time. This is sad.

(I recently discovered a health issue I had for about 18 months was caused by a common OTC medication I was told to use. The side effect was known, but undocumented by the FDA and the manufacturer. Who documented the side effect? WHO. Thus, the FDA knows but suppresses this information. This caused me actual harm from which I will recover. But the FDA lied – how can we trust a government agency where the majority of its funding comes from the pharma companies it is tasked to regulate? We can’t.)

And note that most of the media ignores all of this – because they were sleeping in bed with the perpetrators. The much-vaunted media that claims to fight for free speech is now AWOL – and active participants in suppression of speech they disagree with.

Cancel your newspaper subscription and let them die off.

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