Social: Facebook censored the White house for “vaccine hesitancy”

Social: Facebook censored the White house for “vaccine hesitancy”

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In April 2021, the official White House Facebook account announced that the Johnson and Johnson Covid vaccine was “paused”. Facebook began shadow banning this announcement because their algorithm viewed this as being anti vaccine (a.k.a. anti-vax) that would discourage uptake of Covid vaccinations.

Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD is a professor at Stanford University. He had been shadow banned by Twitter for posting factually true information.

Jay Bhattacharya on Twitter: “That time when FB deboosted the Biden WH for being anti-vax, a?: After months of hectoring @Meta to delete and deboost true content regarding vaccines, on July 15, 2021, the Biden White House complained to FB that its FB page wasn’t growing fast enough for its liking. 1/5” / Twitter

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