Search Results for: perpetual outrage

The culture of perpetual outrage: “The harmful ableist language you unknowingly use”

This is what happens when we constantly seek out reasons to be perpetually outraged. The world is overrun with individuals who every day, intentionally seek out things to be outraged about. Common speech is now perceived as intentional and hurtful sleight to someone, somewhere. There is nothing we can say anymore without offending someone, somewhere. I have referred to concepts as “brain dead”, which is likely offensive to those with brain injuries. Which, should be obvious by now, includes me.

The culture of perpetual outrage is set to kill (we are way past set to stun)

Some people think Starbuck’s is promoting “Gay agenda” on holiday cups Men who hold doors open for women are sexist Dr. Martens Portland billboard evokes white supremacist symbol, activists say No, the “OK” gesture is not a hate symbol Drinking milk is a sign of racism (see below) Paedophile fears are ‘driving male teachers from primary schools’ (UK) or Male kindergarten teachers often endure suspicious looks (US) Recognize the signs [of gangs] As a comment to one of the stories says,…

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Social media contributes to destruction, feeds upon the "culture of perpetual outrage"

Sorry for the long quote – each sentence here is meaningful to see how social media’s use as a friction-less platform for propaganda leads to lawlessness and destruction, often based on idiocy: Josh Cobin’s story shows the strange social merging of virtual life and real life. The accusation that Trump is a fascist started as a typical bit of Twitter hyperbole, and now it stalks America in the form of a GoDaddy employee in a gas mask. To arrive at…

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Social media contributes to destruction, feeds upon the “culture of perpetual outrage”

Sorry for the long quote – each sentence here is meaningful to see how social media’s use as a friction-less platform for propaganda leads to lawlessness and destruction, often based on idiocy: Josh Cobin’s story shows the strange social merging of virtual life and real life. The accusation that Trump is a fascist started as a typical bit of Twitter hyperbole, and now it stalks America in the form of a GoDaddy employee in a gas mask. To arrive at…

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